Most Expensive Restaurant In The World: नॉर्मल खाने का बिल ₹2 लाख| Sublimotion | Spain | GoodReturns

2023-04-13 5

World's most expensive restaurant सब्लीमोशन स्पेन में है..यहां नॉर्मल खाना खाने पर भी आपको करीब $2000 का बिल चुकाना पड़ता है जो इंडियन रुपी में करीब ₹1,63000 बनता है. कभी-कभी यह बिल और ज्यादा हो सकता है.

Sublimotion in the Hard Rock Hotel Ibiza is the world’s most expensive restaurant per person, offering a theatrical and multisensory dining experience for almost $2,000 each. It’s outrageously expensive or is it? For that amount of money you get to experience your food in virtual reality, have a team of 25 waiters, DJs, cooks and illusionists to guide you through your meal, and you’ll get to travel through space, time and around the world on an epic culinary journey. Does it seem more worth it now?

#Sublimotion #MostExpensiveRestaurant #Spain